
Sunday, March 13, 2016

Building distance and off to Disney World!

This linkup is hosted by HoHo Runs and MissSippiPiddlin.  The purpose of this linkup is to connect with and support other active women.

I've had a busy couple of weeks since I've last checked in!  I took two "me" days off work and have enjoyed some incredible running adventures and lots of relaxation as well.  Last week, I joined Cycle Life in Whitman, which is a spinning studio close to work. I haven't taken spinning classes in a few years, and I am hoping to improve my cross-training.  The first class I attended was called Happy Hour, and yikes it was tough, but I had a blast! My goal is to attend a class once a week to build endurance and to get some non-running fitness in.
Disco lights at spin are trippy!

Last weekend, I went to Bare Cove Park in Hingham for a 14-mile run.  That was my longest run yet this training cycle, and I surprised myself by feeling incredibly strong.  The beautiful scenery didn't hurt either... Something about exploring trails and waterfront runs really helps me take my mind off the miles and to relax!  Check out this view...

Not half bad right?!

This week I trudged on for what will hopefully be my last few runs in the dark, now that Daylight Savings Time is here!  Gotta say I will not miss running with my headlamp or knuckle lights (and living in fear of tripping over sidewalk cracks or my own two feet!)  This is the view from the pond near my house in Rockland.  Hmm, sensing a theme with the water shots?  Definitely my favorite!

Water + sunset = perfection

And then today... today was pretty special.  I decided to get some hill miles in, since my hill training has been somewhat lacking (okay non-existent).  This was after a 12-mile run on Friday and some weight training and squats on Saturday.  Dumb.  I chose a 10-mile loop in the Blue Hills and hoped for the best.  Honestly, I think the challenge was more mental than anything else.  The first two miles seemed painfully slow, and I doubted my sanity on several occasions.  But once I settled into a rhythm and loosened up, I really started enjoying it!  

I really need to take pictures of more than water!

Houghton's Pond has long been one of my favorite spots for hiking (aka getting totally lost in the woods) but on today's run, I stuck to the roads.  After 10 miles of super steep hills, I was toast!  Although I have to say, I am proud of surviving (and feeling relatively okay) my first long hill run.  I think looking forward, I'd like to alternate a long run (18 or 20) with a shorter 10-mile hill run every weekend.  Doesn't that sound lovely?!  Yikes!

Looking ahead to this week, I have so much to be excited for!  First, Daylight Savings Time and after-work runs under the sun.  I can't even begin to explain how excited I am for running in daylight.  And then on Saturday I leave for Florida!  I am presenting at a conference for work in Orlando, and the conference hotel just happens to be across the street from Disney World.  So next weekend's long run will be in the happiest place on earth!  

Unbelievably excited to be back!

Have you ever run in Disney (aside from the organized races there)?  What are the best places to run longer distances?  

How did you celebrate Daylight Savings today?


  1. I also love spin class but at my gym we do not get the fancy disco lights. Looks like a fun studio. Your run pictures are absolutely beautiful. Great job on the long run hill training. I think your idea sounds like a good one. Long run one week, less long but with hills the next. Sounds good ...for you :) Have fun at Disney World. I must admit that even though I only live about 30 miles from Disneyland, I have never run there. I have really been loving trail running lately. I think that's my favorite area for my longer training runs.

    1. Thanks, I love going for trail walks, but I am always terrified about tripping myself on trail runs... I am such a klutz!

  2. I've never run in Disney except for a race. I'll be interested to see how it goes for you and if you see anything fun!

    1. Me too - just the Disney marathon several times... Can't wait to see what the adventure brings!

  3. I love my early morning runs in the dark but am so excited for longer days--more time to spend with my family enjoying life! Enjoy Disney World!

    1. You are a better woman than I am... I just can't bring myself to wake up early enough to run before work! You go girl!

  4. I have run at Disney (races and not). They have a wonderful New Balance Trail system on many of their hotel properties. I enjoyed the one at and between the Fort Wilderness Campground and Wilderness Lodge properties. All of your pictures are so pretty. I'd surely enjoy running with that scenery. Thanks for linking up with us Michelle.

    1. Ooh that sounds perfect, I'll have to check it out - I love the Fort Wilderness area.

  5. I have never run in Disney other than the organized Races. One good thing about running at Disney when there isn't a race you won't have a wake up call at 3am :)

    1. Oh my goodness I couldn't agree more! Those 3 am wake-ups are brutal... The year I ran the Goofy Challenge, I wanted to die... more-so from the early mornings than the running!

  6. I have run short distances at Disney World, but mostly around the properties. There is a pretty good path between the Poly and Grand Floridian Hotel and I'm pretty sure you could continue to the Contemporary as well. Have fun!

    1. Oh great idea too! Running around that lake... more water pics! Haha my fave :-)

  7. Your pictures are gorgeous! I especially love that one at Bare Cove Park. I hope you have a great time at Disney! Can you actually run through the parks before 'business' hours? I haven't been to Disney since I was 11 :) I tried to convince my husband to go just the two of us (we don't have kids yet) but he's not having it.

    1. Thanks! I don't think they'll let you in the parks early to run, because that's when they do all their maintenance and clean-up from the night before... but the races do go through the parks before opening, which is pretty awesome!

  8. Your photos are beautiful. I've never run in Disney. Have fun! My favorite place to run was when I lived out in Spokane, WA. I loved running up the hills and seeing the beautiful mountians in the background. Now I live in Chicago and it isn't as beautiful as Washington State. Have a great week!

    1. Wow that sounds incredible! I'm originally from Chicago too (well the suburbs anyway) and I did enjoy some nice forest preserves out there, but you're right - not nearly as breathtaking as mountain views!

  9. Oh wow at your pictures! I love water pictures too!! You have beautiful places to run! How cool you get to go to Disney and get paid some, awesome!! Other than a race we do so much dang walking in the parks, I've never ran there. I can't wait to hear more about your trip! Safe travels and thanks for linking up Michelle!!!
