
Sunday, February 28, 2016

Hyannis Half Marathon Race Recap

I am excited to be participating for the first time in a link-up by a fellow running blogger at MissSippiPiddlin.  The purpose of this link-up is to connect with and support other active women. 

This was my second time running the Hyannis Half Marathon - the first time all the way back in 2010, when I was still living in Maine.  And my how far I've come... I managed to shave nearly 20 minutes off my time.  Not "half" bad!  (Ok, that was really bad...)  But in all seriousness, I enjoyed today's race and am very pleased with my run!  

Saturday, February 27, 2016

What I'm Loving This Week

What I'm watching...
Fuller House premiered on Netflix this week, and I may or may not already be four episodes in.  So many memories of the early nineties coming right on back... While it is totally cheesy, I am loving every moment of the Fuller House revival.


Thursday, February 25, 2016

Only in New England! Old-Fashioned Ten-Miler Race Recap

Remember last weekend when I wrote about my negative 20-degree wind chill race?  Well, fast-forward only one week, and I am running in SHORTS and and a short-sleeved shirt, in 55-degree weather!  No... I didn't head south... that's just our crazy Massachusetts weather!

This was my first year running in the Wampanoag Road Runners' Old-Fashioned Ten-Miler in Foxboro, MA.  The race was my running club's February Grand Prix race, and we had a great turnout from our group, which made participating a blast!  I really enjoy the comradery of running with a group.  Even though we all have different paces and don't typically run with each other, it is so encouraging to see our club members along the course and to cheer for each other at the finish.  And running with our group has definitely improved my speed, as I strive to keep up with some of the faster members of our club (or at least to keep them in my sights for as long as possible!)  

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Brrrrrrrr!! Paddy Kelly Race Recap

Valentine's day brought more than just chocolate and roses to Southeastern Massachussetts this weekend... It brought the coldest day of winter 2016!  After waking up for a coffee run, my car took its sweet time turning over (saying "wtf" in car-growl-speak) as the temperature read NEGATIVE seven degrees.  Yikes.  But it was my running club's race day, the Paddy Kelly 5-Miler in Brockton, MA, so time to suck it up!